
Good morning! 9:45 and 45 degrees at the moment. Got that first cup of coffee going, easing on in to the day ahead.

Today is an exercise day, so about 40 minutes of it will be spent working various body parts. Earlier in my retirement I  worked out with weights, but have wussed down to calisthenics. Everything still gets worked: legs, shoulders, arms- and the gut. 

Actually, every day is an exercise day of some sort. I spend mornings doing Lumosity and Wordle, which both exercise the mind. And I spend afternoons and evenings on the guitar. I've even been getting in some playing at the very end of my day, from about 11:30 until midnight. 

I remember wanting like crazy to get out from under the structure, the tyranny,  of the 37.5 hour workweek. To free myself. If anything, my life is probably more structured now than it was back in the working years. But it's all self-imposed, so it doesn't feel oppressive. Funny how that works. 

Music news. I have yet another album to release. I know you've heard that one before.. After a string of fusion/smooth records, this one gets back to straight-ahead jazz. And it even has a couple of guest artists on there. The volume of the individual cuts varies somewhat, so I'll have to run it past somebody who has those capabilities in their studios. Coming soon!

YouTube is still alive and well. I wanted to have more live things on there, but it seems to be working just the way it is. Live from the music room. Jam tapes. I'm continuing to get new subscribers, despite the lack of live stuff, so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing- but still with an eye towards getting other folks on here with me. 

3:34 and 65 degrees. Just got in my exercise. 38 minutes this time, from stem to stern. Not much more to say, so I'll wrap things up here. Thanks as ever for stopping in and reading. Happy Saturday to you! And that'll do it for me until next time. Later.



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