Somehow it's Tuesday 

Good morning! It's Tuesday here in the best of all possible worlds. Around 9:30, which is a little early for me but i still got my beauty sleep- so I'm more or less ready for whatever life throws at me today. 

In the world of music, I have two dates coming up. First is a thing at the Old Capitol downtown on July 31st, with a few folks. My second gig is also downtown, on the south side of the Square, at it's on August 31st. Noon to one. So two downtown gigs, both at the end of their respective months. 

After a year of isolation, I'm just glad to be getting back out of the house. Before all this started, I was starting to develop a better social life, something that got shot to hell after last March. I used to have one, way back when--but it got lost in the shuffle during my working years. So as things start to reopen, I'm coming back to where I was at with all this. 

And that's where I'm picking back up. Looking forward to those two new dates on the calendar, but more so to getting a life as it were. That is to say, getting my life back. One thing about this long period of hermitage is that you come to an understanding of what needs fixing the most. 

Okay. Enough dark introspection. Doing some more practicing these days, and posting things to my YouTube page. The newest entry is a great old Cole Porter song called Just One of Those Things.  I will most likely get into some more trouble with the guitar today, and as always will share whatever is salvageable. 

Thanks as ever for stopping in and reading. I do appreciate it! Happy Tuesday to you. For now, I'm outa here. More later.  PS Today's pic was taken back in the late 80s by Ed Clark. He's still my "official photographer" might just do an update with him one of these days.  PPS Today's tune is called Of An Easy Afternoon. A nice lazy groove, Slowpoke Rodriguez music.

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