
Good morning! It's 9:23 this side of noon. According to Facebook, Halloween did happen last night. I left my porchlight off, just like the Convicted Sex Offenders, so I missed all the fun. Hopefully next Halloween will see us all in better shape.

I've had fun with it over the years. One year, at college, I dressed up as a rubber.- using a hula hoop and trash bag. Probably quite a sight on the dance floor. Another year I dressed up as Alan Alda-as-Hawkeye Pierce. A cowboy hat, bathrobe and laugh track. I had taped laughter on a cheapo cassette player, and would play this after pretty much everything I said. (This was the period on MASH where he started to get famous..) It got more fun as we got drunker. I didn't have the height, obviously- probably more akin to Radar- but all the other touches were there. 

Music news. Well, first and foremost, my new album Near-Miracle on 33rd Street. It's up on Spotify and YouTube(under Sam Crain topic)and Pandora and soon Apple and iTunes et al. Funny thing about making an album. Once it's all done and packaged and distributed here and there, it's out of your hands. It's up to the CD itself, the qualities therein(or lack thereof), to sink or swim out in the world. I'm sure to be sharing a few cuts on Facebook. 

I also uncovered some more music I'd forgotten about. Stuff marked 1/15/16. Sometimes you listen back, and ask yourself "what the hell was I thinking?!", and other times you find a gem or two. One is a thing I was going to use on an album is a sort of gospel bluesy piece called "Just a-sittin'-and-a-scratchin'"(borrowed from Duke Ellington's Just-a-sittin'-and-a-rockin'). So, a few additions to the Music page here on my site. This is the upside of having a cluttered music room, as well as getting older. You're always finding something you'd forgotten about....

And that's all the news fit to tailor. Thanks as ever for stopping in and reading. Happy Sunday to you--and also All Saints Day! For now, I'm outa here. More later. PS The tune du jour is called Wokin' the Dog, and is a GG Pelletier composition. The album is Oop Bop Sh' Bang, which features GG on two selections. Also on there are Andy Burtschi on bass and Craig Russo on drums. 

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