Another Day at the Office 

Greetings, whoever-reads-this! This is my usual starting point for a practice session. Scales and arpeggios at 75-80bpm. That's my warm-up. Sometimes I subject myself to further abuse with gnarly picking exercises, and other times I'm kinder to myself and just play. Tunes, whatever. That's where much of the stuff for my YouTube page comes from. 

After 57 years of being a guitar player, I still have to practice most every day. I've still got to do my calisthenics, and my metronome time. Especially the metronome time. Melody and harmony came easy--okay, easier-- but rhythm is something I've had to work at. And it's the first thing that goes if I slack off on the practicing. Sorta like falling off your diet and having that gut(or that butt) return..

Music news. Jazz Guitar Vol 5 and Interluudes. Those are two new albums of mine, released just this month. They're available on all the usual digital platforms(was that the right term?), as well as streaming on YouTube. 

There's also some new stuff here on the site. A couple new tunes on the Music page, and a new cover pic, plus a newer YouTube video on the Home page. Hey, when I update, I don't fool around about it. 

As far as any gigs, nothing more this month. The traditional New Year's Eve gig, where you ring in the new year, is something I haven't done in several decades. Since then, I have done some First Night Springfield gigs, both with my own group and as sideman. Those are cool. The old New Year's Eve gigs paid better, but the city stuff had earlier hours and fewer drunks. 

So far, my next live performance is still November 1st of next year. Obviously, something will fill in between now and then. In the meantime, still making music here in the Lab and sharing the stuff that works. I can always be found here. As ever. thanks for stopping in and reading all this! For now, I'm outa here. More later.




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