Father's Day 

Happy Father's Day, whoever-reads-this! This is a picture of my folks with their first little handful. My brother would join us a couple years later. I was born in 1954, and look like I'm in the midst of the Terrible Twos, so I'm figuring 1956 here. 

Dad left us in 1992, and Mom at the end of 2007. My brother and I are a couple old gumps at this point, much older than our folks in this photo. Josh just turned 64, and I'll be 69 in a couple months. We both have to take meds at this point, like most people our age. For some time now, the Pharmacy has replaced any bar in town as far as a destination. 

A sibling is like your best friend and worst enemy(or at least fiercest rival)rolled into one. They've got your best interests at heart-- as well as your back-- and you can tell them stuff you wouldn't tell anybody else. But at the same time, they love seeing you fall on your ass .It's all about who got the bigger room when you were kids. At least as far as the younger of the two..

My sibling has had some health issues for awhile now. Hoping to get some resolution on things in this coming week. I've been helping him here and there, with rides to the Pharmacy, and just giving him some company. I call it our Old Guy Time. Even getting in a few laughs, amid all the grim shit going on.

We tend to get on each other's nerves with too much time together--present time is an exception of course=-but have also bailed each other out on more than a few occasions. Your basic sibling relationship. It's all good…

Music news. Just getting back to it. What with my brother's stuff, plus some stuff of my own, it's had to take a back seat. But I'm getting back into practicing every day. Still posting to my YouTube page. I'm up to 299 subscribers at this point, waiting for that next one to come in. 

Hoping to get another trio date at some point in the not-too-distant future. I don't have a set group these days, so I just get the best players who are available. So far this year I've had a whopping three gigs: one with Ocean State and two of my own. I'll be more than glad to let you all know when I get something. 

So that's my news for the moment. Thanks as ever for stopping in and wading through all this. Happy Father's Day and Happy Sunday to you! For now, I'm outa here. More later,. 


PS Today's tune is called Pauline's Basement. It was written in memory of Pauline Cormier, who was a guitarist and guitar teacher here in town. Pauline was a generous soul who gave not only instruction, but, in a few cases, temporary lodging, for aspiring local guitarists. Pauline and I both worked in Betts Pree's band, back in the 80s. 


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