Happy Thanksgiving 

Well I'm jumping the gun just a bit here. The actual day is tomorrow. For about three hours out of the day tomorrow I'll be enjoying a fine meal and some lively conversation with a handful of friends. I see these people at least twice a year: Thanksgiving and Christmas and maybe something else added in there.

 I've done all sorts of gatherings on this day, from solo to a packed house. Getting older and all, I like ém somewhere in the middle. Just a few folks. Then to enjoy what's always the quietest day of the year: Black Friday. 

It's quiet because of my non-participation. If I were fool enough to join in, it would be anything but quiet. I feel a little bit sorry for retailers this time of year. Even though they're crying all the way to the Bank, it still takes a toll. 

Music News. There are 11 new entries on the Music page, and a new YouTube video for the home page. And maybe something new under My Wares. In the process of cleaning out the music files here on my computer I keep coming up with stuff that seems worth sharing. Much is getting scrapped, but a fair amount is getting saved.

Yes, a fair amount of my music is accepting Jesus Christ as its personal savior. Getting saved..The rest is going to Hell in a handbasket…

Okay, that was a weird joke. I just went back in time, to the 70s. Getting saved was part of the vernacular, along with becoming enlightened through Transcendental Meditation(and lots of hallucinogens). I never gave it up for Jesus, but I did learn how to meditate.(And yes, I've tried a few substances in there..)And even though I can't say it hasn't helped me, I've yet to become enlightened..

Anyway! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who reads this! And thanks as ever for stopping in here and reading. For now, ich bin outa here. More later. 

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