Oh no! It's Monday! 

Good morning! 9:30 and 53 degrees at the moment. Mostly sunny is the description. Yes, I'll be mostly happy today. I try for that regardless of the weather, but it does affect your morale. Especially if you're old and retired and home most of the time..

General stuff(whoever he is). Just finished reading James Joyce's Dubliners. Thoroughly entertaining and a little bit disturbing, a portrait of life in Ireland in the early 20th century. A beautiful but beleaguered place. Joyce is supposed to be a tough author to read, particularly Finnegan's Wake. Dubliners is probably his most readable. Recommended. 

It's rare that I talk about politics, but has anyone seen the ads for Tina Forte? Like AOC, she's from the Bronx, but there the similarity ends. One particular video, taken in her car while she's driving, is replete with f- bombs and sounds like she's ready to get out of the car and take you on if you disagree with her. Or maybe even if you agree. Yeesh.. Go to YouTube and bring up her name, and you'll see what I mean. 

There are certainly enough ignoramuses in the world. What I know about the Bronx: it was founded by Jonas Bronck in whatever year; it's the poorest of New York's 5 boroughs and second-most dangerous(after Brooklyn). And then there's the infamous Bronx Cheer, which really goes well here. 'Nuff said.

Musical stuff. I've been messing around on the recording studio side of the room, and have a litter of seven. Some of it is nice and smooth and some is a bit edgier. I'll be uploading this stuff to the Music page on my site today. And I pretty much always have a free download or two in there. 

On 4/15 and 5/6, I have gigs. They're on the Shows page of the site. Of course, I hope to see you at one of these events!

That's all I had for today. Thought I'd share a few non-musical things as well. Thanks as ever for stopping in and reading. Happy Monday to you, if that's possible! For now, ich bin outa this place. More later. 






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