
Greetings, whoever-reads-this! It's been a hell of a day. The news is more domestic, but I'll try to work in some music news at the end. 

This year seems to be a matter of fixing all the stuff I could have but didn't fix last year. 

Last year I got a hole in my roof the size of a basketball. I had some people put up a metal roof, which took care of things until the metal slats started to come loose from the house. So I had to hire another crew this year, who did it right--i.e. removing the existing layers of shingle. Not cheap, but at least I have a roof that's relatively impervious to rain and wind. A roof that will probably outlast me.

Last year my Dentist informed me that some bridgework of mine had to come out. We left it on the back burner , and then it came up today, during a cleaning. I've had a jack o' lantern smile for the past year or so, from a front tooth that came out some time ago(another dental dilemma), so an upper partial would at least give me my smile back. I've felt like a hobo with that missing tooth. Trying to see the positive in what's going to be an adjustment..

And the trifecta in all this is getting a new automobile. I've got an old clunker of a van which  should've been put out to pasture years ago. Past a certain age, it's harder- even impossible- to get parts for your wheels. This will probably be the easiest fix- just a trip out to a car lot like I've always done. And like these other two items, it's something that needs doing. Like sooner rather than later. 

The vicissitudes of life Again trying to stay positive, I've got one out of the three taken care of. And the other two will follow suit. Along with a few bucks..

Music news. There is a jam session on Thursday of this week, with some assorted friends.  It was also supposed to happen tonight, but I figured I wouldn't be much fun, considering the day I had. But considering the day I just had, I'm looking forward to it even more. 

I'm hoping to get back into my makeshift home studio and see what kind of trouble I can get into there. I just need life to settle down for awhile. For now, still on it with the daily practice and the YouTube page. And I've got a few things that I've never put on recordings that I maybe should have. So the wheels are turning..

And that's my news for now. Hope it's more musical and less domestic next time I write one of these. Thanks as ever for stopping in and wading through all this muck. Much love. More later. PS These are two of the ne'er do-wells who will be making music with me on Thursday.


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