Tuesday Tuesday 

Good morning! 10:08 and 57 degrees. Another knocko Fall day. 

Domestic/Old Guy News. I've been nursing a sore tooth for about a week and change now. Not my idea of fun, but I've been making the best of it. Also figuring that there will be a cancellation sometime between now and the 25th . They just called this morning. So I go in today at 1:30. 

It'll either get fixed today, or he'll prescribe something to tide me over until I can see the Oral Surgeon. Been down that road before, and I know all the staff there as well. This week and a half hasn't been awful, but it's made me just a little grumpier than usual...

Music news. Same old same old. I'm still getting in a fair amount of practice, and churning out the videos on YouTube. Feels like it's time for another one of those emails from the Arts Council with available dates for Boone's. I've learned a few new tunes since May.

Here is where you can hear a pretty good cross-section of my albums. Most of ém are up here. Always working on new music here in the Lab. I've long since retired from the world of work, and am semi-retired from the world of music. But I still like to keep my hand in there. 

So these are the headlines for today. Thanks as ever for stopping in and reading. Happy Tuesday to you! For now, I'm outa here. More later. PS today's pic was taken at Lime St, year unknown. Kevin Hart on piano, me on guitar, Kevin Ellis on bass and Don Cochran on drums. 

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