un-manic Monday 

Good morning! 9:32 and 74 degrees are our current stats. Another can't-beat-it Summer day. Working on that first cup of coffee of the day, out of about three and change. I'm a slow starter in the morning, even with enough sleep. 

Music news. Still on a roll here in the Lab. A creative binge. I have a number of new pieces, and feel like I've got more in me to work with as far as any more new music. So after swilling some more coffee, and running through my other morning stuff(Lumosity and Wordle), I'll be back in the office, working away. 

So I'll be sharing the fruits of my labors on the Music page here at samcrain.com. I still have to remix all this new stuff, getting the levels just right( a sometimes maddening procedureand then upload it all to the computer. 

And I'm still working on a new album. Another maddening procedure is trying to get all the songs in the best order, but of course it's worth it in the end. With all this new material, I may even end up with two albums..

With the weather all nice and moderate, this would be a good time to make another stab at getting a rehearsal together with my better two-thirds. I want to follow through with what I'm doing first, but this is definitely on the horizon. Best to do one thing and do it well, then move on. 

I had a supervisor at work who told me I do one thing, I do it very well, and then I move on. I had to laugh, and told him he was channeling Charles Emerson Winchester from MASH. He wasn't given to hilarity, but as I remember, that got a chuckle out of him..

Another skimpy post, but it's all I've got. Having a lot of fun here in the Lab, and look forward to sharing the results with you guys. Thanks as ever for stopping in and reading. I do appreciate it! Happy Monday to you, if that's possible. This one is out the door. More later. PS today's tune is from my album Sonorities. It's called Ascend. Hope you like it. 

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