Happy Halloween! 

Good morning! 9:51 and 54 degrees are our current stats. Another rainy day. Hope the kids have a good time tonight with their trick-or-treating. As a former kid, I remember it fondly. 

As a grown-up, I once dressed up as Alan Alda playing Hawkeye Pierce. Okay, i don't have the height, but I did have the bathrobe and cowboy hat- and a tape of laughter that I'd play after anything I said. It got funnier(at least to me)as the evening wore on. 

I think Alan Alda is probably a nice guy in real life, but he does get on the preachy side. These were the MASH years.. I remember playing a gig on the night of the last episode. It was also the Romany Club years. 

KIm's Romany Club was a little downtown dive that featured live music. Not a good patch for me.. Springfield was really getting on my nerves. I think I'd had enough of the gossip and backbiting, and the  little in groups. I went on the road with a band. Music Therapy...Left at the end of '84 and came back in the Spring of 1986

I got married in '87, and had two ïnstant kids". This is one of them, in the picture. His name is Todd, and he now has kids of his own. Probably taking them trick-or-treating tonight.

HIs Mom and I went our ways in '94 or so, but I still keep in touch with the kids. 

Music news. Same old same old. Still playing my new guitar. I have been getting more subscribers to my YouTube page, and am up to a whopping 190 folks. I'll probably be putting up something or other today. 

Not much of a post today. More sizzle than steak. Thanks for stopping in and reading. Happy Halloween to you! For now, ich bin outa here. More later,. 



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